Scientific Student Conference 2024
The Puzzle of Life Science - Add your Piece
22 - 23 November 2024
organized by the Wageningen University & Research

What is the ELLS Scientific Student Conference?
Every year, the Euroleague for Life Sciences invites students from ELLS and ELLS-partner universities to participate in the Scientific Student Conference (SSC). This year's main theme is "The Puzzle of Life Science - Add your Piece". The two-day frame of the SSC is an excellent opportunity for students to feel the flair of a scientific conference and get to know many different people - students and teachers - from various fields and universities. Students can either present their scientific work in the form of a poster session or an oral session. Within the poster sessions, students will present their work as a poster. In the oral session, students will give a presentation and answer questions about their research. Students will get constructive feedback on their presentation and work from peers and experts and might even win a prize.
What are the Subthemes of the Scientific Student Conference 2024?
The sub-topics will be finalised shortly.
Who can submit an abstract?