ELLS-Repräsentanten in Hohenheim

 ELLS Board of Rectors
Prof. Dr. Sc. agr. Stephan Dabbert

Pro-Rektor für Internationalisierung
Prof. Dr. Andreas Pyka

ELLS Task Force

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Hölzle
ELLS Koordination
Dr. Gabriele Klumpp
Euroleague Student Association (ELSA)

Annemarie Jung

Julia Bosch

Vertreter der ELLS Subject Areas

Environmental Sciences

Prof. Dr. Claudia Bieling

Economics and ManagementProf. Dr. Claudia Bieling
Safety in the Food Chain

Prof. Dr. Walter Vetter

Organic AgricultureDr. Sabine Zikeli
Insect Ecology

Prof. Dr. Georg Petschenka

Prof. Dr. Johannes Steidle

Animal Science

Prof. Dr. Mizeck Chagunda

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Hölzle

Plant HealthProf. Dr. Roland Gerhards
Plant Molecular Breeding and BiotechnologyProf. Dr. Karl Schmid

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hess

Prof. Dr. Christian Zörb

Digitalization in the Life SiencesJun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Krupitzer
Vertreter der ELLS Support teams
Quality AssuranceDr. Sebastian Bopper
E-Learning support team

Linda Hartmann

International Relation Officers (IRO)Dr. Gabriele Klumpp
Research support

Carolin Callenius